The weather was nicer today, so I made sure to stand outside for a little while and sniff up when my mom took me out. There is a beagle that lives on my block and he always comes by to leave me lots of sniffing material on our lawn. My mom doesn't understand why I have to smell each and every spot, every time I go out!
And my house smells really good too. I think my mom is making stew in the crock pot...I hope she shares at dinnertime.
When I was walking outside by myself (sometimes I get extra help with a sling because I'm a senior) I was sniffing so intently I almost fell over. My mom got scared and ran over to check on me. I was ok though, I wobbled but managed to stay on all 4 legs.
All that activity made me sleepy...so I came inside to have a nice nap. To my surprise, I discovered a big milkbone on my bed! Yummy!
Today was a good day..lots of good smells and a nice treat.